Detrimental Errors
Detrimental Errors on your credit report FACT: 70% to 80% of consumer credit reports have errors. The FCC did a study and found that 7 out of 10 credit reports have some sort of detrimental error(s). In addition, a new…
Detrimental Errors on your credit report FACT: 70% to 80% of consumer credit reports have errors. The FCC did a study and found that 7 out of 10 credit reports have some sort of detrimental error(s). In addition, a new…
Importance of Credit Cards If you do not own a credit card or revolving account, what you read below may be the most important thing you read to help raise your credit scores. We recommend that you have…
Credit Coaching Guide – Part 3 (What to avoid) When trying to improve your credit score or credit history, avoid any of the following: Asking a creditor to lower your credit limits. This will reduce that all-important gap between your…
Credit Coaching Guide – Part 2 Experts say the average time required to rebuild one’s credit to the point at which you can be accepted for a major credit card or small loan is approximately two years. Here are some…
Credit Coaching Guide – Part 1 Don’t despair if you find yourself with a less than desirable credit score and credit history. You are human and can make mistakes. It’s natural. The key to this is recognize that your spending…
Finding Your Score Pt 2 If you want to know your actual credit score, you will usually have to purchase it. This can be done in a few ways. You can get it from one of the three major credit…
Finding Your Score Pt 1 You would think that finding out what your credit score is would be easy. In a way it is, but only because I’ve done my research and you won’t have to spend time surfing websites…
Paying Down Your Credit Cards Credit card debt can hurt our credit scores as well as cost a lot of money in interest. High credit card debt also leads to high debt to income ratios or DTI, and high DTI…
All About FICO (con’t) There are about 100 different ways to compute a credit score. As we have discussed FICO is the main source lenders use to derive a credit score. FICO has 49 different algorithms that are split across different…
All About FICO Back in the 1960’s, a company called Fair Isaac devised a unique system to determine the creditworthiness of people who apply for loans. Through a complicated mathematical computation, they were able to study a person’s credit history…