Tag Credit Score

Credit Coaching Guide – Part 2

Credit Coaching Guide – Part 2 Experts say the average time required to rebuild one’s credit to the point at which you can be accepted for a major credit card or small loan is approximately two years. Here are some…

Credit Coaching Guide – Part 1

Credit Coaching Guide – Part 1 Don’t despair if you find yourself with a less than desirable credit score and credit history. You are human and can make mistakes. It’s natural. The key to this is recognize that your spending…

Finding Your Score Pt 2

Finding Your Score Pt 2 If you want to know your actual credit score, you will usually have to purchase it.  This can be done in a few ways. You can get it from one of the three major credit…

All About FICO con’t

All About FICO (con’t) There are about 100 different ways to compute a credit score. As we have discussed FICO is the main source lenders use to derive a credit score. FICO has 49 different algorithms that are split across different…

All About FICO

All About FICO Back in the 1960’s, a company called Fair Isaac devised a unique system to determine the creditworthiness of people who apply for loans. Through a complicated mathematical computation, they were able to study a person’s credit history…

February Newsletter – The Month of Love

  New Year New Beginnings For me the new year brings new and exciting opportunities. I am happy to announce my new company Elevatemyscores.com. I have spent the better part of ten years helping thousands get qualified for a home…