Does this mean that the beginning of the year is the best time to start fixing your credit? The truth is the best time to start rebuilding your credit as soon as you are able.
What is credit card utilization and how can it impact your credit score? Your revolving accounts make up 30% of your credit score in the mortgage FICO credit scoring model. That is almost one third of your score.
The traditional ways to build credit has always been to open credit cards and/or open installment loans. These can still…
From home loans, to auto loans to bank loans, FICO is used in 90% of all lending decisions; however many…
For Immediate Release Contact: Chris Busch President, Elevate My Scores Phone: (281) 612 – 1281 Email: [email protected] CREDIT 101 CLASS CHOSEN FOR ABoR…
Change in Public Records Reporting What is a Public Record? Tax Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies are credit items that…
Detrimental Errors on your credit report FACT: 70% to 80% of consumer credit reports have errors. The FCC did a…
Importance of Credit Cards If you do not own a credit card or revolving account, what you read below…
Credit Coaching Guide – Part 3 (What to avoid) When trying to improve your credit score or credit history, avoid…
Credit Coaching Guide – Part 2 Experts say the average time required to rebuild one’s credit to the point at…